I have been Oklahoma!-ed
I am having a hard time getting back into the swing of posting because my life the past two weeks has been dominated by my participation in Oklahoma! for the community theater my wife founded.
As much work as I/we have been doing, it is amazing how much it seems worth it when you have sold-out shows and a wonderful cast and crew.
I wish all of my online friends could see what a fabulous show this little podunk community theater with no money has turned out. What a rush!
A question though: who is going to come see classic old musicals like Oklahoma! when the current crop of seniors passes on? Other than friends and family of the cast and crew, the vast majority of our patrons are elderly.
Wish I could have seen it! Sounds wonderful. I really admire what she has done with that group, just wish I were there to enjoy it!
are you bright golden hazing on the meadow?
Oh, Laura, you would be so tickled. I wish you could see it too. We might purchase the rights to make a CD and send you one if we do.
Jon: Not only that, but everything's up-to-date in Kansas city.
Really? If you do make a CD definitely send me one!
i was in an oklahoma!-production myself. ok, it was only a high school production, but we were sold out the entire week we put on the show.
I think it should be a rule that everyone ought to be in that show once in their life.
You should have someone video tape it and post it up on YouTube. Thata way we can all see your grand performances.
Ugly Naked Guy said...
I think it should be a rule that everyone ought to be in that show once in their life.
At the very least, there'd be more harmony in the world... *cringe* I couldn't resist!!
I think that's a general problem for all theatre.. once the crop of older people passes on we are going to be hard put to find audiences unless we train our young to appreciate the arts.
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