Monday, August 13, 2007

Letting the Bedbugs Bite

Question: What do bedbug infestations in Southern California and millions of malaria deaths in third-world countries have in common?

Answer: Both are the fault of the environmental movement.

Today's L.A. Times has an article on the tremendous rise in the number of homes needing treatment for bedbugs. Nestled among the icky details is mention that the blood-sucking parasite was once thought to be wiped out--then we banned DDT based on environmental hysteria.

If you read the article, you'll also find out that we don't really have any decent chemicals anymore for combating such pests; DDT worked, but it was banned in 1972 in large part due to Rachal Carson's 1962 book, Silent Spring.

Millions have died from malaria since the DDT ban also. Don't take my word for it, look it up. I have to go check for bedbugs before turning in.

1 comment:

Ed Darrell said...

We can't blame the lack of DDT for problems in building and bedroom hygiene that have given rise to new bedbug infestations. It's inaccurate, unfair, and DDT still remains a serious poison with toxic effects when it's used.

I think there is exaggeration of the use of DDT to get rid of the things. We never used it in the cold north. Winter did the trick. To the extent it may have been used in the south, we have alternatives.

In any case, spreading a toxic substance that cripples the reproduction of little girls and boys, kills birds, fish, bats and beneficial insects, and can't be controlled once sprayed, seems like a lousy answer to a minor problem.