Sunday, September 05, 2004

Morally and Ethically Wrong!

As if the monthly payroll deduction irritation wasn’t enough, now this…

I got my “Exclusively for Mr. Ugly Naked Guy” 8x10 glossy of John Kerry and John Edwards in the mail today and was told to display it in a “prominent location” (insert your own joke here). I just might do that.

As the Democratic National Committee went on to thank me for helping to secure victory in November, I was reminded yet again of the loss of freedom my new profession has given me as one of its “benefits.”

You see, I have never contributed one penny to ANY political campaign --WILLINGLY-- but my friends at the California Teachers Association and the National Educators Association are so kind to do that for me whether I ask them to or not.

That is just wrong.


Joel Gaines said...

Isn't communism great?

Anonymous said...

apology excepted, cause people like me really do exsist. Thanks for the advice, I am still learning more and more everyday. I'll keep you informed on how it turns out :)

Anonymous said...

The communist "left" isnt the only party guilty of this. Gee W. has been in my box twice this past week and I am not a registered republican. Do you think it is possible they are targeting all registered voters not just the party loyalist?

UGN said...

Hey Anon:

I don't know why you get things from both parties (I do when it comes to local elections), but I never got stuff from the DNC until I was part of a union. Are you or your spouse part of a union?

Anonymous said...

ugly naked guy, Do you think that Gee W. is targeting union members also! If I had received an 8X10 glossy from Kerry then I would blame it on my union membership.