The Difference Between Elephants and Donkeys
What do you tell people who want to know the difference between the parties? Are you of the opinion that there is no difference worth mentioning, or could you stand on your soap box for hours on this topic? Personally, I think there are many profound differences between Republicans and Democrats, but they are not always easy to explain in stark, clear-cut terms.
I ask because last week before the election my students asked me what the difference was. At the time I refused to comment because it was not part of my lesson plan and they were just trying to get out of the work they were supposed to be doing. What would you tell junior high students if you had but one shot to make the differences very clear to them?
Here’s my example to get us started:
When the Administration approved a rebate of $600 for many working families in the Summer of 2003, Democrats were upset because low income families who paid no taxes would not get a refund on the taxes they didn’t pay.
I often struggle to hit the bull's-eye of my students’ understanding zone, but I did not have to point out to them the bizarreness of wanting to refund money to people who paid no money in the first place.
Anyway, that is my example of the difference between the parties. I am very interested in hearing examples from people on both sides of the aisle as each of us will probably be made to look silly for different reasons. In an effort to be more balanced, if I think of an example that makes Republicans look silly I certainly will post it. I know such things exist.
Ketchup is a vegatable. . .
Homeless people are homeless by choice. . .
People need automatic weapons in their homes. . .
The Grand Canyon was created by Noah's flood. . .
A country that never attacked us and may not have for another 10 years was more important to world peace than several countries that hate us and have nuclear weapons right now. . . .
We should remove the nukes from the rest of the world while developing new ones. . .
I hope some of that qualifies as silly republican decisions. Then again, I'm in the wrong house. Last time, I promise.
Why not tell them the simple unbiased truth. Republicans believe in less goverment in business but more goverment in your private life. lower taxes and fewer goverment programs. bigger military and pro life. Democrates believe in more goverment regulations regarding business practices, less goverment regulations in your private life. higher taxes and more goverment programs. less military spending and pro choice.
Very succinctly put, anon. I guess I didn't put it in the terms you mentioned because I was looking more for things that were more tangible. To say that Republicans are pro-business doesn't mean much to most people and I was hoping to hear some "where the rubber meets the road" examples. I mentioned the tax example because I think it shows a clear difference in attitude and thought process--at least on that issue.
Additionally, did anyone check out the example Shannon provided a link to? I had seen something like that before and would love to hear people's takes on it, ie. why it is not a good analogy or why it is.
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